Rainbow Park
A fairly open beginner friendly course in a local park. There are 9 permanent baskets spread throughout the park. By using creative teepads and various approach lines, a variety of layouts are available to play.
Depending on the hour and day of the week, there may be significant volumes of pedestrians or other park users. Please be respectful of all other park users, and give precedence to other users whenever possible. If you are playing at a high volume time period, please utilize the below linked layouts for all rounds and avoid ‘safari’ golf.
UDisc Link
Short Layout
Long Layout

Otway (OPEN NOW!)
In partnership with the Caledonia Nordic Ski Club, a course has been added to the Otway property. This is a current work in progress and additional information will be made available here, on UDisc and on the discord server. Please respect the CNSC property and follow all posted signage.
The current course is setup using DISCatcher Pro baskets and marking tufts for the tee-pads.
UDisc Link
Course Map (large)
Course Map (small – split)
Hart Ski Hill
The Hart ski hill course existed for the 2021 & 2022 seasons. Moving forwards this course will no longer have baskets installed and is not available for play.