PGDGC Handicap League

The PGDGC Handicap League is a weekly league that allows players of all skill levels to be competitive. Scores are adjusted based on individual player handicaps. Handicaps are determined over time based on previous week scores. Players receive points each week based on their finishing position. Anyone can win!!

The PGDGC league is for club members, so please sign-up here if you have not already.

To manage the league, we will be using a google sheets page with fancy calculations in the background. We will be keeping all scores for the season, so if there are any issues we can revert to alternative calculations.

Lastly, this is a league that is open to anyone, however there is an age restriction of 16 and up.

Current leaderboard


Show up Wednesday nights and try to shoot your best round! Play a lot and you have a great shot at winning some cash! Most importantly, Have fun!


First-time players may register in person before the start of any league event throughout the season. New players will be provided a starting zero handicap that will adjust over time to their actual league handicap. All players are always eligible for ace pots, and are eligible for payouts once they have a handicap.

Entry fee for players with a handicap: $5 per round
Entry fee for players without a handicap: $1 per round
Ace fund buy-in: $1


Handicaps are determined by averaging the BEST FOUR ROUNDS from the player’s LAST FIVE ROUNDS, and there is a minimum of THREE ROUNDS for a player to get a handicap. If a player does not have a handicap, from previous PGDGC league play (max 1 season into past) then for their first 3 rounds they are not eligible for a payout. By the end of the players third round, they will have a handicap and will be eligible for a payout that evening.

The ‘nightly’ par is going to be the average of all participants score and the course par.
Course par: 58
Average round of all participants: 62
Nightly Par: 60
Your Round: 64
Your Handicap: +6.5 (based on best 4 of your most recent 5 scored league rounds; i.e. +6, +6, +5, +8, +5)
Nightly Score: 57.5 (your round minus your handicap)
Your handicap for the next round will be adjusted based on this round of +4, so your handicap moving forwards would adjust to be +5 (+6, +5, +8, +5, +4)


There will be a uDisc event for each night that league is happening. You will need to check-in to the event through uDisc (events tab) and then play like normal, keeping score using uDisc. In the event of an error with uDisc, one player will post the scorecard image to the League Night channel on discord. Note that this channel is restricted to members only.


The entry fee to play in the league is $5 per night, and players may choose to pay $1 per night into the Ace pool. Players may pay at registration weekly or prepay via Paypal or eTransfer. The fee will be dispersed as follows: $1 goes to PGDGC, $1 goes to season payout pool, and $3 goes to nightly payouts. 

Payouts are as follows:

If more than 30 player show, a new chart will be created. Use this calculator and the following parameters: Number of players = 60, Amount per person = $3, select PDGA Am 50%.


Players may choose to opt-in to the Ace pool. If a player hits an ace, they will win everything in the Ace pool at the start of the round, if the total pool is less than $100. If the ace pool is greater than $100, the payout will be $100 + half of remainder (i.e. ace pool as of May 20 was at $372, so the payout would be $236, leaving $136 to keep the pool hot). The Ace pool will accumulate until such time as a player makes an ace during league play. Non-league play aces do not pay out.


Each week a ranked player participates in the league, they will be awarded 10 starting points. Players will receive 2 points for each player they beat. Players without a handicap will receive 8 points. Points will be awarded to all players at the event and tracked to determine a season winner. Note that only the best 10 points finishes will count towards the year end scoring. So this means that you can miss a week without being completely out of contention, as there will be a final closing round to determine payouts.

Season Winners Payout

At the end of the season, there will be a playoff round to determine final payouts. Players in the top of the leaderboard will have stroke advantages based on the below list. Payouts will be made in accordance with the standard payout scheme. If a player cannot make the playoff round, and is in a ‘cash’ position, they will receive a payout of %50 of what their position is. Normal handicap rules will apply.

Spirit of play

This league will follow the standard PDGA rules, but the main purpose of the league is to provide a fun and welcoming environment for everyone. The game relies on the players to show sportsmanship, integrity, and consideration for other players.

League Course Map – Rainbow Park
